Rhythmic gymnastics
Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the unique types of gymnastics with its aesthetic and musical elements. This type is held only among women and includes complex dance elements and acrobatic movements performed in accordance with the music. Rhythmic gymnastics is performed with the following equipment:
Straps: Gymnasts work with long, light fabric straps. The movements performed with the ribbon are characterized by the beautiful shapes it creates in the air and the dynamic spiral effects. The movements performed with the tape are required to be precise and smooth.
Ball: Exercises performed with a special gymnastic ball made of soft material require good coordination and balance from gymnasts. Ball exercises include keeping the ball in the air, spinning it close to the body, and other complex elements.
Barbell: Exercises performed with barbells, specially designed in terms of weight and shape, require gymnasts to have extra strength and precise movements. Exercises with the bukhanka include jumping the bukhanka in the air, spinning it and various figurative combinations.
Hoop: Exercises performed with a hard plastic hoop require gymnasts to be able to hold the hoop in various positions and rotate it around their body. Exercises performed with a hoop show its beauty and precise geometric shapes.
Sheet: Exercises performed with a sheet made of light and airy fabric require gymnasts to be able to create different shapes with the fabric in the air. Movements performed with the sheet demonstrate the effect it creates in the air and the gymnast's compliance with the fabric.
Rhythmic gymnastics requires not only physical, but also artistic skills from gymnasts. This type of gymnastic exercise plays an important role in ensuring the harmony between music and movements for gymnasts, and also allows them to demonstrate their aesthetic and dance skills.
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